Q: Why don't we have codes for kyphosis (humpback), lordosis (swayback), and scoliosis (c or s curve)?
A: Those are developmental conditions in the body that have occurred over time which have numerous contributing factors. Thus, no codes for these. In some cases of scoliosis, the ribs may have even grown longer on one side than another.
What we do have in QEST is the ability to work with various factors (think bones, ligaments, muscles, spinal cord injuries, working with fascial lines--later class, and reflex pathology) weakening an area and contributing to the presence of these conditions. We've had very good results with making these conditions much much better and if not changing curvature, at least helping to eliminate or lessen pain and increase stability.
Please share any results you've had with these. Thanks.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Chest Pain

J: Pain in chest. Does it feel to her external (structural) or internal (heart, mediastinum, bronchi, trachea, etc.)? Check for other in the area of pain....conditional and preliminary...and for follow them to where they lead. Be sure to check pericardial codes as pericarditis, for ex. can be very painful. Have you found 24M 214T? May need to do the DOW on SITE, rather than in the center as indicated in instructions. Check all around an area of pain.
Q: Thanks for this Judith. I see her again today in a few hours. Her pain is not surface - it is more underneath - which means, yes, internal. Two sessions ago I DID find and treated 24M 214T (O.O.O.) and also 3 Fx codes in a line on the right side - top lateral sternum, mid lateral sternum and bottom rib central near GB AP. She came back the next week and felt much worse. : ( She had experienced chest pains for 4 days straight prior to our last session.
I see that I found and did not yet treat 38M 594T(N) (Av Fx Tnsverse Thoracis) and 53M 885T (N) Av Fx Inert Trasverse Thoracis - not sure why I didn't work with these!!! Found them 2 sessions ago. Will do these first thing today!
I will look for pericarditis code and also re-check 24M 214T. Thanks! Will keep you posted!
J. From experience, I doubt that those two Transverse Thoracis codes are so very important so don’t chastise yourself for not doing them sooner. Look forward to hearing how this went.
Q: I found 68, 71, and 59. Treated in order of priority - 68 first, then 71. Found: (list of codes found)
Also treated 36. Her doctor didn't know what to do so she told her to take Zantac. She started a couple nights ago. : (
J. Hmm. I think that next time you see her, you should check for heart codes—even though she is young. Or did you already? Use Heart list under Alphabetical. Also: Use Heart under A/V List at back of book.
36 might have helped, all by itself. Next I’d check 104 / 374 and then (there’s probably reflex pathology) the Deep Frontal Line on the Fascia Lines that you got at last class (#11). Could even be something below or above on that DFL line affecting her chest…i.e., it could be reflexly affecting her pericardium, even though you apparently didn’t find any pericardium codes. (?)
Q: I saw client with chest pain again today. There was minimal difference from last session (did many heart codes). She noticed the pain was 'different' more than improved. Energy and focus poor. More tired. Not happy.
J. Also check mediastinum sw. codes....I had a young client who died of that and that could be there.... Gotta go now!
Q. I saw her Sunday and did only heart codes. I saw her again yesterday and she was MUCH better. Her heart LOF (level of function) has increased significantly. Yesterday I worked with mediastinum codes as you suggested. There were 2 codes for swelling, I believe. I also followed 19 and 37 for both Mediastinum and heart. Both led to bones. I worked with the bones, the codes resolved and her heart LOF was highest yet. Feeling much better about her with this recent improvement. Thanks for your support!
Q: 10-27-11 The chest pain lessened and comes in waves - on and off - although it seems like there is a constant low grade ache.
She is on an acid reflux drug. (Ugh!!!) She is getting the run around from the medical community. Everyone specializes in one part of the body and no one talks to each other. The mother is very frustrated. I will keep you posted!
Q: The chest pain client - was going to come yesterday with her mom (her mom is now getting session with me, too!) but didn't feel up to it. She said the pain in her chest changed and now was like a stabbing from the back. I know that its good that it changed - but this doesn't sound good at all to me. She did not got to school on Friday. I will see her again Wed. She will see her Doctor on Monday. But still NO ONE has checked into her heart. THis is so frustrating. But maybe they wouldn't find anything anyway.
A. I think that I’d now recheck for 5M's on vertebrae and ribs in back. Those conditions can make excruciating back pain--feels like you can hardly breathe!!
Then I think I'd check heart APs for virus codes. See under Organisms in Alphabetic List. If she has that, seeing a doctor won’t be useful, I don’t think (other than to make sure she doesn’t have secondary bacterial infection).
Q: The chest pain client - was going to come yesterday with her mom (her mom is now getting session with me, too!) but didn't feel up to it. She said the pain in her chest changed and now was like a stabbing from the back. I know that its good that it changed - but this doesn't sound good at all to me. She did not got to school on Friday. I will see her again Wed. She will see her Doctor on Monday. But still NO ONE has checked into her heart. THis is so frustrating. But maybe they wouldn't find anything anyway.
A. I think that I’d now recheck for 5M's on vertebrae and ribs in back. Those conditions can make excruciating back pain--feels like you can hardly breathe!!
Then I think I'd check heart APs for virus codes. See under Organisms in Alphabetic List. If she has that, seeing a doctor won’t be useful, I don’t think (other than to make sure she doesn’t have secondary bacterial infection).
· Go to the Mediastinum AP’s and check again carefully for 37, 166, 359 FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE. I know you did, but check again. I’d check for primary Lung (left?) sw's with 37, 166, 359 to the Mediastinum. Twenty years ago, xxx had a bad pain in her back trap area and it was apparently from a Lung Sw. because when I worked with that, the pain went away.
· I’d certainly check again for spinal cord injuries in her back, where she has pain. Use Spinal Cord List in new book and recheck carefully.
· An aortic aneurysm can cause a stabbing back pain tho she probably doesn't have that.

A: Oh yes! There’s a lot for vertigo and we’ve had good success with it, with QEST.
And yes, CN VIII Vestibular-cochlear (also called Acoustic Nerve) has to do with balance and hearing. Vestibular=balance Cochlear=hearing. You can find CP’s for it in the black spiral book, Alphabetic List, under “Nerves—Cranial”.
I’d first check level of function on her Ear AP’s and on CN VIII AP’s (1/2” superior to mastoid process bilaterally). Also Eustacheon AP’s (about 1 ½ to 2” lateral to Aortic AP). From this, you’ll get an idea of what is a big factor in her vertigo.
I’d do as you are going to do with her. Recheck the CB/FB/SBS. Remember that if you check all the way to the end and find a weak challenge, go back to the 1st step and recheck. Often it will be unlocked and weak. If so, re-do all steps from there to the finish.
Then check for 128 disruptions. You might want to check level of function of Pons I and II before doing anything, out of curiosity and to see how well things are functioning and to get an idea of how much her body is benefitting from prior QEST. I find people with NO cranial work having their Pons I and II at a “2”…so let’s hope hers is a “10” (i.e., no dysfunction) or at least close to 10. If not, you’ll be able to get her right back to a “10” (no dysfunction) by addressing things in the 128 MSA List.
If she’s not very far in QEST, you’ll want to move and check systematically through the work. And you can also do some things o.o.o. (out of order) to specifically address her vertigo. Here are some factors that can be looked at down the road:
o Spinal cord / Dura injuries. Use the Spinal Cord List
o Ear / Eustacheon canal codes. Use the Alphabetic List
o Brain: Cerebellum (has to do with movement and balance)
o Muscles attaching to the temporal bone which can pull on that bone which houses the inner ear and cause problems with balance &/or hearing. (Trapezius, SCM, and Splenius Capitis are larger ones attaching to the temporal bone).
o Other cranial nerves, such as CN X, the Vagus Nerve, can affect the functioning of CN VIII.
o Dislocations (5M) in the neck can cause vertigo.
o And possibly more that I’m not thinking of right at the moment.
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